
Candy Crush Saga Level 2377

Candy Crush Saga Level 2377

Goal: score 200,000 points within 25 moves to complete the level.

1 star: 200,000 points
2 stars: 250,000 points
3 stars: 300,000 points
Candy Crush Saga Level 2377

Tips: make lots of special candies and combos and shoot the wrapped candies and the popcorn so that the timed bombs can come down. Make matches with the timed bombs, preferably with color bombs produced from the popcorn. Not necessary to process all the popcorn here but it will help if you can process some. As you know, your points really shoot up when you match up a timed bomb and a color bomb together. See how this level is done in video below. Good luck.

Candy Crush Saga Level 2377 walkthrough video

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